Artist Statement

Artist Statement

bravery. curiosity. intentionality.

Its not a typical artist statement, normally they have a few sentences, but I dont feel the need to write “create with the values of bravery, curiosity, and intentionality.

Bravery is independence and individuality. Bravery is not sticking to the typical artist statement. Bravery is being comfortable with being uncomfortable. Bravery is finding familiarity in the unfamiliar. Bravery is being honest and truthful.

Curiosity is cultivated by not having the typical artist statement. Curiosity is a way of living, its not judging and creating and exploring. Curiosity is brave.

Intentionality is choosing few words so I don’t over define myself. Intentionality is choosing 3 words that matter to me to create by.

As long as I create within these confines, then I am being true to myself and my artist statement.